Let computer do some work

  1. Add common linters and static code analysers in IDE and [[ Continious Integration ]] systems

  2. Smart analysers should be able to warn on - spelling mistakes, high entropy strings, mutable variables, n+1 problems.

  3. [[ python ]] : pylint, pyflakes, pychecker

  4. Objective-C : facebook-infer

  5. Run [[ security ]] audits on [[ Continious Integration ]] systems

  6. Outside probing: DJ Checkup

  7. [[ Ruby on Rails ]] : Brakeman

  8. [[ Javascript ]] - Scan js

  9. [[ PHP ]] - Rips

  10. [[ Android ]] - Manitree

  11. Aim to fully automate development system setups/guides. It is a major challenge in new employee onboarding.

  12. Aim to automate fake data seeding in a database for tests and development.

  13. Use incremental type checks and asserts

  14. Use post compilers. Back compatibility is not an edge case.

  15. Javascript : Babel, CSS : PostCSS

  16. Reduce the size of Apps

  17. Android App: Proguard, Facebook redex

  18. Property based testing. Hypothesis works

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